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strong expectation of production restriction, fundamental deviation, sales pressure continues to maintain

Release time: 2021-07-15 15:17:25

The market price of hot rolled coil in Shanghai rose sharply this week. As of press release, the mainstream quotation of 1500mm plain carbon steel coil is 5850-5870 yuan / ton, and the quotation of 1800mm wide coil is 5900-5920 yuan / ton. Low alloy 1500mm mainstream quotation 5980-6000 yuan / ton, 1800mm low alloy quotation 6050-6070 yuan / ton. This week, the futures market rose sharply, the spot market was optimistic, the business quotations continued to rise, and the market transactions were general as a whole. At the end of the week, the volatility of futures is weak, the wait-and-see sentiment of spot market is aggravated, and the quotation of merchants is volatile. At present, the market demand is still weak, the downstream purchasing enthusiasm is not high, the transaction is difficult to improve significantly, the market inventory is still accumulating, but the growth rate has narrowed. However, stimulated by the news of limited production, business confidence is still strong. With the support of cost, short-term prices are easy to rise but difficult to fall. Overall, it is expected that the price fluctuation of Shanghai hot rolling market will be stronger next week.

South China market: this week Guangzhou market hot volume, price fluctuation upward, demand performance is general. At present, the price of ordinary coil above 4.75mm is 5800 yuan / ton, and the price of low alloy coil is 5950-5970 yuan / ton. The price of hot coil in Guangzhou is 170-180 yuan / ton higher than last week. On the market side, this week's Futures Volatility is stronger, and merchants' quotations follow the upward trend. However, at present, the downstream demand is still poor, most transactions are still based on the circulation between market traders, and the transaction performance of the whole week is relatively general. In terms of resources, the recent market de stocking speed is slow, coupled with the arrival of new resources, the current market inventory has further increased. According to the same caliber, there are about 671500 tons of geothermal volume storage in the current geothermal volume storage, an increase of about 3000 tons compared with last week. On the whole, the recent market price rise mostly follows the fluctuation of futures, and the actual demand has not improved significantly. It is expected that the local hot volume price will be adjusted mainly by shock next week.

North China market: this week, the market price of hot rolled coil in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region was affected by production restriction, and the market price rose this week compared with last week. Among them, the price of hot coil in Tianjin increased by 170 yuan / ton, that in Tangshan increased by 110 yuan / ton, and that in Handan increased by 180 yuan / ton. On the market side, the current market has entered the traditional off-season, but the price has risen this week due to the stimulation of production restriction. But prices are still high for the overall market, and the market may react next week. In terms of inventory, the hot coil inventory in Handan increased by 9800 tons compared with last week, that in Tangshan increased by 0300 tons compared with last week, that in Beijing remained unchanged, and that in Tianjin decreased by 15000 tons compared with last week. Overall, next week's hot volume prices may show a downward trend of shock.

[index aspect]

On July 16, the domestic steel price composite index of myspic was 202.33, up 3.12% from last week, 3.04% from last month and 3.04% from the same period last year; The domestic flat product index was 185.52, up 3.21% from last week, 4.55% from last month and 48.1% from the same period last year; The index was 207.4, up 2.92% from last week, 5.9% from last month and 49.28% from the same period last year.

Vietnam Nanjin iron and Steel Co., Ltd. record ste


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