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Tight supply, black series all rose

Release time: 2021-07-15 15:24:03

On July 13, the domestic futures market closed. Most black series rose, with coking coal up nearly 5%, steam coal up nearly 4%, and iron ore up more than 3%. China imported 28.392 million tons of coal and lignite in June 2021, up 12.3% from a year earlier, according to statistics released by the General Administration of Customs on the 13th.

Lin Jingwei, an analyst of Jinxin futures, told the futures daily that the black series rose sharply on the 13th, and tight supply and demand was one of the reasons. Since the first half of this year, the price of coking coal has been rising steadily, and there has been a correction during this period. However, according to the data of the General Administration of customs, the import gap of coking coal in this year is roughly 20-25 million tons. The import gap is difficult to fill, and the domestic supply growth space is limited. In June, before the centennial of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the production limit was obvious. It is expected that the coal mine production will begin to follow the repair expectation from July. However, under the pressure of safety and environmental protection production throughout the year, it is difficult for domestic coal supply to achieve large-scale growth. After the founding of the Communist Party of China in July, both supply and demand began to follow the logic of resuming production. However, from the perspective of supply recovery potential, coking coal is not as good as coke and steel. In the short term, the end of the season is off-season. It is expected that the middle and lower reaches can wait and see to extend the replenishment cycle. However, in the medium and long term, with the resumption of coke oven production, the continuous input of new production capacity and the approach of traditional peak demand season, The pressure of coking coal replenishment will continue to support the strong operation of coking coal price.

China Steel Association: average daily output of c
In June 2021, China exported 6.458 million tons of


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